Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Tuesday Tunes

I'm still new to blogging, so I'm finding it difficult to think of blog ideas that you will enjoy reading. So I've been looking at other peoples blogs for ideas and there are certain ones that have caught my eye and I really enjoy reading myself. These are Marcus Butler's Sunday Sounds and Finn Harries Music Monday.
Now I don't mean to copy what they do, I just enjoy reading theirs and seeing what music they like so I would hope you enjoy seeing the music I like!

So every other Tuesday, when I've discovered a song (or song's) that I really enjoy, I'll write them in a post and share them with you!

So the first song I've really been enjoying lately is Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran - Everything Has Changed. I've always been a massive fan of Ed, I mean, he is beautiful and SO talented! But I've never been a big fan of Taylor Swift, but when I heard they came together to create a song,  I couldn't resist listening and got addicted straight away! Here it is:

Now the second song I've really liked lately is Justin Timberlake - Mirrors. I've never really liked his music and especially this song when it first came out, but after listening to my sister play it over and over and over and over, it's safe to say I started to love it. And now I can't stop listening to it!

Now the last song I've been loving lately isn't a recent song at all. It's from Demi Lovato's third studio album 'Unbroken' which was released in September 2011 (you can download off iTunes here!). It's called Who's That Boy. I've listened to it several times before, but I it came on my ipod after a party a few weeks back and I realised it related to my situation that night exactly, and then I got slightly addicted..

So, I hope you enjoy them songs as much as I do!

Until next time beautiful's,

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Review: Clean & Clear Deep Cleansing Lotion

My sister gave me this cleansing lotion a few years back because she bought it for herself and decided she didn't like it. I didn't use it for a while, but when I did start using, I realised how good it really was!

Suitable for sensitive skin, it's formula helps cleanse your skin gently to remove every-day build up of oil, dirt and grease and helps reduce spots.

I don't have sensitive skin, but when I first started using it, I'll admit, it did sting a little bit. However, after, lets say, the third time of using it, I no longer felt the stinging feeling. I started using it once a night after I had cleared off my make-up and it left my face feeling clean and refreshed.
It's now my favourite thing to use if my face is feeling dirty or greasy and I use it two or more times a day. I just love the clean feeling it leaves me with.

Since I started using it, I can definitely tell the difference! My skin feels so much smoother than it used to and I get barely any spots now, just one of them odd annoying ones every now and again.
It's worked so well on my face that I've started using it on my chest and my back (who knows if you're meant to!) and that has definitely reduced the amount of spots I get!

I'd like to try other brands of cleansing lotion too, but I'm just too scared it won't be as good as this one! Maybe in the future! For now, I'm very happy with how the leaves my skin feeling and how much it has helped!

It's also a cheapy too! Only £3 in boots! Definitely worth a purchase!

Until next time beautifuls,